Dec 17, 2014

Tax tolls on German highways

Soon for driving on the toll motorways and federal highways in Germany you should pay. The German government adopted two corresponding bill introduced by the Minister of Transport and digital infrastructure Alexander Dobrindtom and Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble. According to the plans of the Cabinet, the fee for driving on the main roads for owners sedan cars will be introduced in 2016. It is expected that it will bring annually about 500 million euros , part of which will go to the development and repair of the road network . 
Foreign drivers will have to pay only for travel on motorways . They have to buy a vignette ( sticker on the windshield ), which can be purchased , as in many other countries , at the pump . For local car owners cost vignettes " will be recalculated automatically " and compensated for by making lower the vehicle tax. EU officials have repeatedly criticized the plans of the German authorities to make the toll road in the country. In Brussels believe that the introduction of such a tax is contrary to EU law .

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