Nov 26, 2014

Countries with the most aggressive drivers

Drivers from UK in terms of aggression are on the higher position than the drivers from other countries. The Agency UK Lease Plan came to this conclusion after conducting a survey among 3 thousand. drivers from 20 countries of the world. Drivers from Russia did not participate in the survey. About 76% of British said that they have received many of gestures that are deemed offensive. Yet every other driver out of the UK have heard from other road users using foul language. About 73% of drivers found themselves in a situation where aggressive drivers blocked their path.
The British were more aggressively by a number of indicators of the Spaniards and the Italians, who are considered the most vivacious European Nations. By the level of aggression among the drivers are Czechs, Frenchmen and Germans. Among 20 countries that participated in the ranking, the last place by the level of aggression is Turkey. There is only 23% of drivers received in their address insulting gestures, 15% have heard foul language and another 13% have been blocked by the aggressors. Remember, about a year ago, members of the LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY in the State Duma of Russia introduced a Bill, under which drivers have offered fine worth from 2.5 to 5 thousand rubles for aggressive driving. It's understood the deliberate interference with the vehicle, resulting in the risk of emergency or threat to the safety of other road users.

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