Nov 21, 2014

Mercedes' Know-how: new generation robot car

Mercedes company introduced the concept of future vehicles with the autopilot, which can move independently, relying on airborne equipment and road infrastructure. The designers and the owners of Mercedes believe that, since the person does not have to take part in the management of robot cars, the layout of internal space will change in principle. In particular, the will not need steering wheel, pedals and dashboard. The resulting is a huge empty space,

which can be used for a more comfortable sitting. Salon of these robot cars from Mercedes will look like a small living room or a room for negotiations. The front seats will be able to unfold, so passengers will sit opposite to each other. Pull-out table between them can be used for working with documents or laptop computer.
An integral part of the car with the autopilot will become an Infotainment System. Passengers will be able to interact with it through touch screens, using gestures and even by sight. Mercedes believes that the emergence of robotic vehicles will make the traffic safer, more effective, and will allow completely rethink the transport system.