Oct 16, 2014

Dangerous drivers' habits according to insurers

A research, conducted by the largest insurance company AXA, in frames of which 450 drivers were questioned, showed the most dangerous habits, which can bring the drivers to an accident. 
The majority of respondents (62%) of drivers confessed that in recent years they have become less likely to feel safe on the roads. As the main reason for such a situation, the drivers named aggressive driving (72 %).
The drivers are noted and the various factors and habits can also affect the road safety. On the first place was an excess of permitted level of alcohol in the blood. On the next places of the "most dangerous habits" were: writing SMS while driving, and the third is checking phone or Tablet for messages or e-mails while driving!
Interesting, that only 39% of respondents mentioned the use phones. Other popular violations for which the respondents had admitted themselves guilty are the exceeding of the speed limit by 10km/h and driving under the yellow traffic light signal (50% of respondents).

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